Siberian Husky

Updated 03 November 2023
Read time: 3 mins
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Written by Elle Padgham
Lead Copywriter

The Siberian Husky is a medium breed with wolf-like features, that were initially bred as working dogs to pull sleds and transport heavy cargo. 

Breed History

The Siberian husky hails from Northeast Asia and were specially developed as a breed to help pull sleds. They are part of the Spitz family of dogs which can be distinguished by their pointed ears and curled spitz tail. The breed was brought to Alaska in the United States in the 1900’s.

General Appearance

The wolf-like appearance of the Siberian Husky mixed with their gleaming blue or mixed-coloured eyes can be quite breathtaking. They have a thick coat that comes in a variety of colours and with varying markings. Male Siberians can stand up to 60cm tall and weigh in at up to 27kg, whereas their female counterparts can stand up to 56cm tall and weigh in up to 23kg.


The Siberian Husky is an intelligent and athletic breed with fierce independence. They respond to a pack hierarchy and will need a strong-willed owner who is willing to lay down the law of the house. That being said, they are a good natured, friendly and outgoing breed. We should consider our lifestyles before looking to introduce a Siberian Husky into the home as those left alone for long periods of time may display undesirable behaviours such as sofa chewing.

Health Considerations

Cataracts: This hereditary eye condition affects around 10% of Siberian Huskies. As the condition is often genetic, a reputable breeder will not breed Siberian Huskies who have presented cataracts.

Corneal Dystrophy: This is a term for a number of conditions that can occur in the Siberian Husky and other breeds and can result in the corneas to become ‘cloudy’.

Hip Dysplasia: Siberian Huskies, like many other breeds, may suffer with chronic joint pain, arthritis and hip dysplasia in their senior years. Sadly, this can really impact their quality of life. Those looking to bring a Siberian Husky puppy home should aim to buy from reputable breeders who disclose the hip scores of the parents. Diseases of the joints can usually be managed with a combination of pain relief, anti-inflammatories, joint supportive diets, like Pooch & Mutts’ Joint Care Dry Food and joint supplements such as Pooch & Mutts’ Joint Daily Care Supplement.


Not to be underestimated, Siberian Huskies have been known to be a challenge for first time owners. As they are a pack dog, they respond to hierarchical leadership so confidence and a strong-will are required to establish obedience. Unfortunately, this does make the Siberian Husky one of the more difficult breeds to effectively train.


Huskies need less grooming than other double-coated breeds, brushing your Husky 1-2 times a week should help maintain a knot-free coat. 


Siberian Huskies are classed as an extremely active breed. You should aim for a minimum of 2 hours of exercise per day and consider mixing things up between walking, hiking and off-lead running - though beware, as Huskies are fiercely independent and hunters by nature, you may struggle to get them to come back after ‘off-lead’ time.

Feeding Considerations

Your Siberian Husky needs a premium diet to ensure they are getting all the nutrients they need. Pooch & Mutts’ Chicken & Superfood complete premium dried food is a good place to start and will see you through from Puppyhood through to Senior Years.

You'll find a handy feeding calculator on every product page here at Pooch & Mutt to help you identify how much of our health led recipes are right for the age, size and weight of your dog.

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