We know that a healthy mind is just as important as a healthy body. But should that thinking be limited to humans?

We've created an enhanced series of natural meals, treats and supplements that does good and tastes good, to give your pet the optimal ingredients needed to boost their mood and behaviour, paw in paw with their physical health.

And by delivering our knowledge in the clearest way possible, we give you the peace of mind you need to better support them.

Our Mission


To lead the way in healthy pet food for the body and mind


We are the healthy mainstream alternative to all the junk 'Big Pet Food' brands


We're helping people to look after their pet with the power of positive nutrition


Helping pooch parents make healthier choices so dogs can live their best lives

Explore Products

Pooch & Mutt is a health food company whose products happen to be consumed by dogs

Pooch & Mutt was founded in 2007 by Guy Blaskey. Guy's family dog, Cookie was diagnosed with hip dysplasia at 3 months old and told that she would need a hip replacement by the time she was 3. Cookie was treated with a natural joint supplement for horses made by Guy's mum's company, Blue Chip Feed.

The product worked amazingly (Cookie never needed the hip replacement and led a full, active life for another 11 years), so Guy decided that he had to reformulate it and repackage it for dogs, and so Pooch & Mutt was born.

Guy wanted to get the benefits of natural supplements to more dogs, and when training for the London Marathon to raise money for Hearing Dogs, Guy became obsessed with nutrition and did a lot of running with his dog (and our company mascot) Pepper.

Working with some of the top nutritionists in the UK, Guy developed the Pooch & Mutt food range to not only cut out the junk of mass-produced pet foods, but to include positive nutrition such as supplements and nutraceuticals, to help dogs lead happy, healthy lives.

People, Pets, the Planet

Pet Health before Profit

Our products are full of healthy, natural ingredients. No nasties or hidden junk

Vet Recommended

We work with nutritionists & vets to create trusted products your pooches love

Pooch Pack Community

Your opinion matters to us, and is at the heart of everything we do

Pooch Pledge

We're working hard to lessen our impact, and your pet's impact on the environment


Our Team

Guy Blaskey

I'm Guy and I founded Pooch & Mutt in 2007, I am responsible for making sure we are always doing the best we possibly can to help pets lead happier, healthier lives, for looking at the future opportunities for Pooch & Mutt and helping the team get there. This is Pepper, my Cockapoo, her favourite food is Chicken, Pumpkin & Pea, topped with a handful of Senior Superfood and she loves the Calming Meaty Treats.

Paul Dennison
Managing Director

I'm Paul and I'm the Commercial Director at Pooch and Mutt. My team and I make sure that we have all the right products in the right place at the right time for our loyal customers to buy. I'm ably assisted by Betty the Jack Russel and Dot the Norfolk Terrier X as well as Indie and Fizz the cats who love nothing more than digging into some Purr and Miaow.

Dr. Linda Simon
Team Vet

I'm Linda and I'm the resident vet here at Pooch & Mutt. I qualified from UCD Dublin in 2013 and then moved to London where I have worked since. My main interests are in dermatology, nutrition and geriatric care. I've worked in a range of clinics including 24 hour hospitals and the RSPCA. I'm proud to be part of the Pooch & Mutt team and firmly believe that feeding the right food means a healthier and happier dog. My days are spent working, training my young Cavapoo Raffie and chasing after my toddler Leo.

Dr. Alex Crow
Team Vet

Alex is one of our resident vets who qualified from the Royal Veterinary College in 2019. His main areas of interest are soft tissue surgery and small animal medicine, and he currently practices in a clinic in Nottinghamshire. Alex also writes for many online pet blog websites and has a passion for educating vet owners online. He runs his own website at PetHealthGuru.com with the help of his Labrador Maggie.

Alex Strange
Head of Sales

Hey, I'm Alex and I look after the sales team. I'm responsible for ensuring that you can find Pooch & Mutt in your local supermarket, through to your favourite online platform or even on your holidays abroad. When I'm not at work I love to keep fit and enjoy running with Nala, my Hungarian Vizsla. Her favourite meal is our calm & relaxed dry food topped with one of our delicious Chicken & Turkey wet food. I use the Bionic Biotic supplements to look after her joints after being on the go and after a few miles in the woods she loves nothing more than a peanut butter dental stick as a little treat. She's one of our chief taste testers!

James Collingham
Director of Ecommerce

Digital loving geek, whose role is to look after all areas of our online direct to consumer strategy, so our new website is just the start of many great developments to come your way. Outside of work, I'm currently completing a coding course, teaching street dance, learning how to make some tasty cocktails and planning lots of social catch up with friends which mostly involve a pub! As you can see, I've recently found myself a brother from another mother in the form of a Fox Red Labrador called Parson who is currently trying to make me spend a lot of money in furniture stores due to his amazing ability to chew my house up in 10 seconds.

Emma Frain
Head of Brand

I’m Emma, Brand Manager by day and dobermum by night. My job is to make sure you receive the best experience from Pooch & Mutt, and recognise us wherever you go from social media to store! From customer service to marketing, my team and I make sure you’re always up to date with Pooch news, whether that’s through one of our amazing ambassadors, our pooch community across social media or updates from our vet. My Doberman Malfy is a big softie, he loves Calm & Relaxed Mini-Bone treats and a belly tickle before bedtime.

Chelsea Hargreaves
Account Manager

Hi! I'm Chelsea and I manage our wholesale and export business. Its my job to make sure you can pick up your favourite Pooch and Mutt products in your local pet shop, garden centre and vets. If you would like to work with us, please get in touch!

Becky Ferguson
Operations Manager

I'm Becky, Pooch & Mutt's Ops Manager. My job is to manage production and make sure we are always stocked up with your favourite Pooch & Mutt goodies so they are available wherever you shop. You can usually find me with my head in a spreadsheet or visiting a factory. I am the designated dog sitter for all of my friends so I always make sure I have some Skin & Coat Meaty Treats in the house!

Cat Harrison
Head of Affiliate & Partnerships

I'm Cat, the (rather ironically named) Head of Partnerships. My team work across the Affiliate and Partnerships sphere to help spread the word about our awesome brand and positive pet nutrition. My sidekick, Tilly, is a 14 year old rescue staffy-cross with a bit of a sassy attitude! She's absolutely obsessed with the Pooch Dental Sticks, especially the new Peanut Butter flavour.

Paula Hicks
Head of CRM

Hey! I'm Paula and I'm Head of CRM. I'm here to make sure you're kept in the loop with our offers, news and product launches via email. I plan all of our automated comms, and make sure you're receiving the best deals for your fur babies. I'm joined at home by two cheeky pooches called Peggy & Max. It's safe to say they're absolutely chuffed with their yummy food and treats from Pooch & Mutt, especially as they both have Labrador appetites!

Rhiannon Rowlands
Ecommerce Manager

Hi! I'm Rhiannon and I'm Ecommerce manager here at Pooch & Mutt. It's my job to make sure you can find exactly what you need on our website in the easiest possible way and to make your shopping experience positive, memorable and to keep you coming back. I'm assisted by my 6 year old red miniature poodle called George, who when he's not running about chasing a frisbee, loves nothing better than curling up on my knee for snoozes. In my spare time (as well as taking George for big walks) you can find me creating my own jewellery and discoing the nights away to funk & soul in Manchester.

Jack Hayes
Head of Growth

Hey, I’m Jack and I’m the Head of Growth here at Pooch and Mutt. I’m responsible for growing our online business, making sure that as many new customers as possible find our amazing range of products. Helping me is my 8 year old, one-eared rescue Lurcher, Stella, who spends all her time either sleeping, eating or sprinting away from me much faster than I can catch her.

Lauren Smith
Junior Brand Manager

I'm Lauren and I am responsible for everything that you see of Pooch & Mutt on our Social Media channels, I spend lots of time scrolling through beautiful dog pictures and thinking up creative campaigns to share our amazing range with you. I spend the rest my time looking after my very cheeky Cockapoo Elton who very much enjoys me working for Pooch & Mutt as he gets the best food and treats

Georgia White
Influencer Executive

Hey! I’m Georgia, an influencer executive here at Pooch & Mutt. Working alongside Lauren assisting in the Social Media & Influencer team. I have a Cockapoo called Louis at home who is the best dog ever (not bias at all! ) He’s like my shadow and I wouldn’t have it any other way… even though he thinks all shoes are his own chew toys!

Hattie Elsender
Graphic Designer

I’m Hattie, the Designer at Pooch & Mutt. I bring the brand to life through all things creative, from designing packaging to going on photoshoots with dogs dressed as pumpkins - no idea is too crazy! My Schnoodle, Moose, is particularly happy that I have joined the Pooch & Mutt team so that he can enjoy all the yummy treats.

Victoria Uschmann
Affiliate Executive

Hey! I'm Tori, I'm the Affiliate Executive working alongside Cat. We work with a widespread network of partners who share our core values in promoting healthy nutritious food for pooches & felines! I have a 16 year-old cat named Mitzie who purrs at top volume whilst munching down on the Salmon & Herring Dry Cat Food.

Andrew Womersley
Head of Tech

Hi, I'm Andrew a full stack developer with over 16 years experience in eCommerce. I have a passion for solving problems and making things work. I'm responsible for ensuring the website is running smoothly while working on new features to enhance your Pooch & Mutt shopping experience. When I'm not working I'm normally on action packed days out with my two kids Harris and Harper who are both little adrenaline junkies. You may also catch me in the kitchen cooking up some family dinners.

Louisa Hayes
Customer Service Manager

Hey, I’m Louisa, the Customer Service Manager here at Pooch & Mutt. It’s my job to make sure our customers are happy and receive the best possible service. I have two French bulldogs, Nellie & Buzz. If I’m not cuddling Buzz, I’m making sure Nellie isn’t stealing Buzz’s food, but I wouldn't have them any other way! Please do get in touch if you need anything from me or my team :)

Ben Ruddock
Commercial Manager

I'm Ben and I am Commercial Manager at Pooch & Mutt. It's my job to make sure that the financial side of things is running smoothly, as well as managing commercially focused projects on all sorts of different things. I have a Miniature Labradoodle called Maggie, but the only numbers she cares about is how many treats she gets!

Simeon Simeonov
Full Stack Web Developer

Hey, I’m Simeon - a full stack web dev here at Pooch and Mutt. I always look forward to embracing the best practices and future tech around developing the web! Working closely with Andrew - I am responsible for providing our users with top experience online. In my free time I like doing DIY jobs around the house, or going for a hike.

Ross Haswell
Senior Amazon Account Manager

Hello! I'm Ross, I'm the Senior Amazon Account Manager responsible for making sure that Pooch & Mutt products are available and looking their best on marketplaces such as Amazon.

Gemma White
CRM Manager

Hi! I’m Gem, I’m the other half to Paula’s team, quite literally as we’re a sister duo. I’ve taken on the role as CRM manager at Pooch and Mutt so if you receive any emails offering you yummy offers and deals, that lies with me and Paula. I have two little furry co-workers in my house, one is called Asher who is my first born fur child and is a little too sassy for my liking at times, and my second born is called Kiko who is a grade A attention seeker. They are both Romanian rescues, and as they have had a little bit of a tough life until now I feed them calm and relaxed in order to help any anxiety and keep them calm throughout the day.

Kimberley Jones
Customer Service Advisor

Hey, I'm Kimberley, one of the Customer Service Advisors here at Pooch & Mutt! I'm really passionate about helping others, whether its a problem with your delivery or you're after some product advice; I'm more than happy to help! My Husky, Panda, is the love of my life, with her sassy attitude and playfulness she makes everyday something special. Especially when she's feeling vocal, she will always let me know when it's time for her Pooch & Mutt treatos!

Meera Saravanapavan
Paid Social Lead

Hey! I’m Meera the Paid Social Lead at Pooch & Mutt. I love all things creative and performance and doing all this in the context of dogs is an absolute dream! My role here involves many different exciting things from getting involved in doggy photoshoots, working with content creators and our lovely inhouse designers all the way to the nerdy data analytics side of things when I push all our amazing content through your socials. It’s my job to attract new customers and engage with our wonderful existing customers and boast about all the amazing things our products can do for your dog! Outside my role, I’m an owner of a very cheeky but super clever Border Collie, Toby. Since I joined P&M he has been spoilt with all the products and is obsessed not to mention the huge transformation he has seen in his health and behaviour in the last 3 months!

Elle Padgham
Lead Copywriter

Hey, I'm Elle, Lead Copywriter at Pooch & Mutt! Everything copy touches will have involved me thinking up weird & wacky dog lingo - providing all the info you need to make your experience with us a fun and memorable one. As well as educating you on our amazing range of products, of course. My 3-year old rescue Beagle, Cookie, keeps life feeling wholesome with her cheeky ways and big heart. She's truly one of a kind.

Jessica Harris
Customer Service Advisor

Hello! I'm Jess, a Customer Service Advisor here at Pooch & Mutt. I'm always on hand to make sure your queries and questions are answered efficiently. I have two Old Tyme Bulldogs, River & Tawny. They're both absolutely adorable and the world's biggest diva duo but I wouldn't change them for the world! They love long outdoor adventures and snuggling up on the sofa indoors.

Ashleigh Eilledge
Junior Graphic Designer

I’m Ashleigh, part of the design team here at Pooch & Mutt. I love helping to come up with creative ideas and feel very lucky that I’m able to spend my days combining two of my passions, design and dogs! Outside of work, I spend a lot of my time training and adventuring with my Vizslador, Bailey. You can guarantee that I’ve always got my camera in my rucksack ready to photograph and edit picturesque moments from our walks!

Phillip Pratt
SEO Lead

Hey, I’m Phill and I am the SEO lead here at Pooch and Mutt. It’s my job to ensure that both new and existing customers can easily find our amazing products when using search engines like Google. By my side is Chuck, a larger than life cotonpoo who also loves long walks that end in a country pub meaning we both win.

Laura Maguire
Senior Ecommerce Executive

Hello! I'm Laura, my gig here involves keeping our virtual shelves stocked and making sure you find everything you're looking for without breaking a sweat. I'm a content curator making sure our site is not just functional but a joy to explore. Between Rhiannon and I we make sure your online adventure is smoother than butter. When I'm not weaving web wonders, I'm at home hanging with my two feline pals, Poppy and Tigger, and chasing after my little rockstar, Hilda. In my secret identity, I'm a gig-goer, festival enthusiast, and the pub's number one fan. Cheers to making your online world a little brighter!

Anastasia Dominy
Senior Paid Social Executive

Hey, I’m Anastasia, the Senior Paid Social Executive at Pooch & Mutt. I help look after Meta, TikTok & YouTube ads. I love being able to be creative, but also get hands on with data and analytics! I have a rescue dog called Cali who looks like a mix between a Collie and a Corgi, and a very spoilt cat called Meeko.

Nadia Franklin
Customer Service Advisor

Hey! I’m Nadia, a Customer Service Advisor here at Pooch & Mutt. I love helping to ensure you and your fur babies are happy and healthy and I am here to help resolve your queries and give any product advice you may need. I’m a dog mom to Obie, he’s a Chow Chow and my very own bear cub. We love walkies and adventures, whether that’s visiting dog friendly restaurants, getting content for his social media, going to the beach or meeting new dog friends.

Charlotte Niblett
SEO Copywriter

Hey, I'm Charlotte, Pooch & Mutt's SEO Copywriter! I bring together the world of SEO and copy so you can read all about your pup's health and wellbeing, and easily find everything Pooch & Mutt amongst Google's search engine results. I'm creative to the bone, whether I'm attempting crafts on a chill Sunday afternoon, scribbling down some poetry, or writing up music reviews for local, independent artists. When I haven't got my head in a notebook, I'm being made dizzy as my beautiful, ball-obsessed Jackapoo Eddie, runs circles around me. But with that face, he gets away with it every time!

Monique Wragg
German Growth Marketing Manager

Hey, I'm Monique. I'm the Growth Marketing Manager for Germany. My goal? To ignite growth and drive the business forward across Germany. It's an exciting time to be part of this journey. And meet Pepper, my fluffy assistant. While her primary duty consists of strolling across the laptop & leaving mysterious messages, her duties also include interrupting meetings and throwing pens and objects off the desk to show who's really in charge! Together, we're ready to tackle any challenge.

Thomas Voyle
Head Of Data Analytics

Hey, I'm Tom, Head of data analytics at Pooch and Mutt. I look after all things data related from understanding onsite customer behaviour to measuring and reporting on market trends. I work closely with all teams across the business to ensure everyone has the insights required to make the best decisions possible. Off the clock, I enjoy the great outdoors and long walks - although my son Teddy, often seen riding on my shoulders, might disagree!.

Adam Hollick
Affiliates Manager

Hey, I’m Adam the Affiliates Manager at Pooch & Mutt. I look after all things affiliates such as booking in exposure, keeping strong relationships, analysing performance along with much more. I’ve been within the affiliates industry for over 6 years always trying to improve my craft and do what I can for the team around me. Offline you can catch me finding items to fill up my scrapbook, planning my next theme park trip or just getting together with the mates. Though I don’t own a dog, others in my family do such as Harley and Gizmo.

Kieron Mills
Amazon Account Manager

Hey, I'm Kieron! I'm an Amazon Account Manager helping make sure that we have a wide array of Pooch & Mutt products available over the channel in Germany - verifying all the content is in the right place and making it look it's absolute best on amazon!

Beth Shaughnessy
Midweight Graphic Designer

Hello! I’m Beth, the Midweight Graphic Designer here at Pooch and Mutt. I work on designs across the brand, which can be anything from our videos to our paid social ads. I feel very lucky that I get to be so creative every day! Outside of work, I love being active in any way I can be. Whether it’s a spin class or tag rugby, I will give any sport a go.

Fi Williams
Junior Graphic Designer

Hi! I’m Fi, a member of the design team for Pooch & Mutt. I love being creative and getting to look at pictures of dogs all day is a dream job come true! My working days are made even better by my two cats - Bobo and Stanley, who keep me entertained!

Louis Mardlin
UX/UI Designer

Hi, I'm Louis, the UX/UI Designer at Pooch & Mutt. I create intuitive, user-friendly digital experiences, ensuring our customers have a seamless shopping journey. I have a passion for eCommerce and constantly strive to innovate our online presence. Outside of work, I enjoy playing guitar, attending gigs, traveling, riding motorbikes, and spending time with my dog, Pablo.

Lena Lerchenmüller
German Copywriter & Translator

Hi! I'm Lena, the German Copywriter & Translator at Pooch & Mutt. I'm in charge of localising all of our copy into my native language German. From exciting product launches to new blog posts and everything in between – I love using my creativity to share the Pooch & Mutt spirit with fellow pet lovers. Always by my side and part of this exciting journey is my 7-year-old tuxedo cat Konrad, who loves being the center of attention (especially, during important meetings), but I wouldn't trade him for the world.

Giannis Kourounis
Senior Amazon Media Manager

Hi! I'm Giannis, I'm the Senior Amazon Media Manager, I look after Pooch & Mutt paid advertising on Amazon, helping show our best products to what customers are looking for.

Kao Kieatisarl
Operations Planner

Hi! I'm Kao, I am the operations planner at Pooch & Mutt which involves processing orders for B2B and productions orders. Liaising with the warehouse and communicating with customers in terms of logistics and shortages on the orders.

Guy Blaskey

I'm Guy and I founded Pooch & Mutt in 2007, I am responsible for making sure we are always doing the best we possibly can to help pets lead happier, healthier lives, for looking at the future opportunities for Pooch & Mutt and helping the team get there. This is Pepper, my Cockapoo, her favourite food is Chicken, Pumpkin & Pea, topped with a handful of Senior Superfood and she loves the Calming Meaty Treats.

Paul Dennison
Managing Director

I'm Paul and I'm the Commercial Director at Pooch and Mutt. My team and I make sure that we have all the right products in the right place at the right time for our loyal customers to buy. I'm ably assisted by Betty the Jack Russel and Dot the Norfolk Terrier X as well as Indie and Fizz the cats who love nothing more than digging into some Purr and Miaow.

Dr. Linda Simon
Team Vet

I'm Linda and I'm the resident vet here at Pooch & Mutt. I qualified from UCD Dublin in 2013 and then moved to London where I have worked since. My main interests are in dermatology, nutrition and geriatric care. I've worked in a range of clinics including 24 hour hospitals and the RSPCA. I'm proud to be part of the Pooch & Mutt team and firmly believe that feeding the right food means a healthier and happier dog. My days are spent working, training my young Cavapoo Raffie and chasing after my toddler Leo.

Dr. Alex Crow
Team Vet

Alex is one of our resident vets who qualified from the Royal Veterinary College in 2019. His main areas of interest are soft tissue surgery and small animal medicine, and he currently practices in a clinic in Nottinghamshire. Alex also writes for many online pet blog websites and has a passion for educating vet owners online. He runs his own website at PetHealthGuru.com with the help of his Labrador Maggie.

Alex Strange
Head of Sales

Hey, I'm Alex and I look after the sales team. I'm responsible for ensuring that you can find Pooch & Mutt in your local supermarket, through to your favourite online platform or even on your holidays abroad. When I'm not at work I love to keep fit and enjoy running with Nala, my Hungarian Vizsla. Her favourite meal is our calm & relaxed dry food topped with one of our delicious Chicken & Turkey wet food. I use the Bionic Biotic supplements to look after her joints after being on the go and after a few miles in the woods she loves nothing more than a peanut butter dental stick as a little treat. She's one of our chief taste testers!

James Collingham
Director of Ecommerce

Digital loving geek, whose role is to look after all areas of our online direct to consumer strategy, so our new website is just the start of many great developments to come your way. Outside of work, I'm currently completing a coding course, teaching street dance, learning how to make some tasty cocktails and planning lots of social catch up with friends which mostly involve a pub! As you can see, I've recently found myself a brother from another mother in the form of a Fox Red Labrador called Parson who is currently trying to make me spend a lot of money in furniture stores due to his amazing ability to chew my house up in 10 seconds.

Emma Frain
Head of Brand

I’m Emma, Brand Manager by day and dobermum by night. My job is to make sure you receive the best experience from Pooch & Mutt, and recognise us wherever you go from social media to store! From customer service to marketing, my team and I make sure you’re always up to date with Pooch news, whether that’s through one of our amazing ambassadors, our pooch community across social media or updates from our vet. My Doberman Malfy is a big softie, he loves Calm & Relaxed Mini-Bone treats and a belly tickle before bedtime.

Chelsea Hargreaves
Account Manager

Hi! I'm Chelsea and I manage our wholesale and export business. Its my job to make sure you can pick up your favourite Pooch and Mutt products in your local pet shop, garden centre and vets. If you would like to work with us, please get in touch!

Becky Ferguson
Operations Manager

I'm Becky, Pooch & Mutt's Ops Manager. My job is to manage production and make sure we are always stocked up with your favourite Pooch & Mutt goodies so they are available wherever you shop. You can usually find me with my head in a spreadsheet or visiting a factory. I am the designated dog sitter for all of my friends so I always make sure I have some Skin & Coat Meaty Treats in the house!

Cat Harrison
Head of Affiliate & Partnerships

I'm Cat, the (rather ironically named) Head of Partnerships. My team work across the Affiliate and Partnerships sphere to help spread the word about our awesome brand and positive pet nutrition. My sidekick, Tilly, is a 14 year old rescue staffy-cross with a bit of a sassy attitude! She's absolutely obsessed with the Pooch Dental Sticks, especially the new Peanut Butter flavour.

Paula Hicks
Head of CRM

Hey! I'm Paula and I'm Head of CRM. I'm here to make sure you're kept in the loop with our offers, news and product launches via email. I plan all of our automated comms, and make sure you're receiving the best deals for your fur babies. I'm joined at home by two cheeky pooches called Peggy & Max. It's safe to say they're absolutely chuffed with their yummy food and treats from Pooch & Mutt, especially as they both have Labrador appetites!

Rhiannon Rowlands
Ecommerce Manager

Hi! I'm Rhiannon and I'm Ecommerce manager here at Pooch & Mutt. It's my job to make sure you can find exactly what you need on our website in the easiest possible way and to make your shopping experience positive, memorable and to keep you coming back. I'm assisted by my 6 year old red miniature poodle called George, who when he's not running about chasing a frisbee, loves nothing better than curling up on my knee for snoozes. In my spare time (as well as taking George for big walks) you can find me creating my own jewellery and discoing the nights away to funk & soul in Manchester.

Jack Hayes
Head of Growth

Hey, I’m Jack and I’m the Head of Growth here at Pooch and Mutt. I’m responsible for growing our online business, making sure that as many new customers as possible find our amazing range of products. Helping me is my 8 year old, one-eared rescue Lurcher, Stella, who spends all her time either sleeping, eating or sprinting away from me much faster than I can catch her.

Lauren Smith
Junior Brand Manager

I'm Lauren and I am responsible for everything that you see of Pooch & Mutt on our Social Media channels, I spend lots of time scrolling through beautiful dog pictures and thinking up creative campaigns to share our amazing range with you. I spend the rest my time looking after my very cheeky Cockapoo Elton who very much enjoys me working for Pooch & Mutt as he gets the best food and treats

Georgia White
Influencer Executive

Hey! I’m Georgia, an influencer executive here at Pooch & Mutt. Working alongside Lauren assisting in the Social Media & Influencer team. I have a Cockapoo called Louis at home who is the best dog ever (not bias at all! ) He’s like my shadow and I wouldn’t have it any other way… even though he thinks all shoes are his own chew toys!

Hattie Elsender
Graphic Designer

I’m Hattie, the Designer at Pooch & Mutt. I bring the brand to life through all things creative, from designing packaging to going on photoshoots with dogs dressed as pumpkins - no idea is too crazy! My Schnoodle, Moose, is particularly happy that I have joined the Pooch & Mutt team so that he can enjoy all the yummy treats.

Victoria Uschmann
Affiliate Executive

Hey! I'm Tori, I'm the Affiliate Executive working alongside Cat. We work with a widespread network of partners who share our core values in promoting healthy nutritious food for pooches & felines! I have a 16 year-old cat named Mitzie who purrs at top volume whilst munching down on the Salmon & Herring Dry Cat Food.

Andrew Womersley
Head of Tech

Hi, I'm Andrew a full stack developer with over 16 years experience in eCommerce. I have a passion for solving problems and making things work. I'm responsible for ensuring the website is running smoothly while working on new features to enhance your Pooch & Mutt shopping experience. When I'm not working I'm normally on action packed days out with my two kids Harris and Harper who are both little adrenaline junkies. You may also catch me in the kitchen cooking up some family dinners.

Louisa Hayes
Customer Service Manager

Hey, I’m Louisa, the Customer Service Manager here at Pooch & Mutt. It’s my job to make sure our customers are happy and receive the best possible service. I have two French bulldogs, Nellie & Buzz. If I’m not cuddling Buzz, I’m making sure Nellie isn’t stealing Buzz’s food, but I wouldn't have them any other way! Please do get in touch if you need anything from me or my team :)

Ben Ruddock
Commercial Manager

I'm Ben and I am Commercial Manager at Pooch & Mutt. It's my job to make sure that the financial side of things is running smoothly, as well as managing commercially focused projects on all sorts of different things. I have a Miniature Labradoodle called Maggie, but the only numbers she cares about is how many treats she gets!

Simeon Simeonov
Full Stack Web Developer

Hey, I’m Simeon - a full stack web dev here at Pooch and Mutt. I always look forward to embracing the best practices and future tech around developing the web! Working closely with Andrew - I am responsible for providing our users with top experience online. In my free time I like doing DIY jobs around the house, or going for a hike.

Ross Haswell
Senior Amazon Account Manager

Hello! I'm Ross, I'm the Senior Amazon Account Manager responsible for making sure that Pooch & Mutt products are available and looking their best on marketplaces such as Amazon.

Gemma White
CRM Manager

Hi! I’m Gem, I’m the other half to Paula’s team, quite literally as we’re a sister duo. I’ve taken on the role as CRM manager at Pooch and Mutt so if you receive any emails offering you yummy offers and deals, that lies with me and Paula. I have two little furry co-workers in my house, one is called Asher who is my first born fur child and is a little too sassy for my liking at times, and my second born is called Kiko who is a grade A attention seeker. They are both Romanian rescues, and as they have had a little bit of a tough life until now I feed them calm and relaxed in order to help any anxiety and keep them calm throughout the day.

Kimberley Jones
Customer Service Advisor

Hey, I'm Kimberley, one of the Customer Service Advisors here at Pooch & Mutt! I'm really passionate about helping others, whether its a problem with your delivery or you're after some product advice; I'm more than happy to help! My Husky, Panda, is the love of my life, with her sassy attitude and playfulness she makes everyday something special. Especially when she's feeling vocal, she will always let me know when it's time for her Pooch & Mutt treatos!

Meera Saravanapavan
Paid Social Lead

Hey! I’m Meera the Paid Social Lead at Pooch & Mutt. I love all things creative and performance and doing all this in the context of dogs is an absolute dream! My role here involves many different exciting things from getting involved in doggy photoshoots, working with content creators and our lovely inhouse designers all the way to the nerdy data analytics side of things when I push all our amazing content through your socials. It’s my job to attract new customers and engage with our wonderful existing customers and boast about all the amazing things our products can do for your dog! Outside my role, I’m an owner of a very cheeky but super clever Border Collie, Toby. Since I joined P&M he has been spoilt with all the products and is obsessed not to mention the huge transformation he has seen in his health and behaviour in the last 3 months!

Elle Padgham
Lead Copywriter

Hey, I'm Elle, Lead Copywriter at Pooch & Mutt! Everything copy touches will have involved me thinking up weird & wacky dog lingo - providing all the info you need to make your experience with us a fun and memorable one. As well as educating you on our amazing range of products, of course. My 3-year old rescue Beagle, Cookie, keeps life feeling wholesome with her cheeky ways and big heart. She's truly one of a kind.

Jessica Harris
Customer Service Advisor

Hello! I'm Jess, a Customer Service Advisor here at Pooch & Mutt. I'm always on hand to make sure your queries and questions are answered efficiently. I have two Old Tyme Bulldogs, River & Tawny. They're both absolutely adorable and the world's biggest diva duo but I wouldn't change them for the world! They love long outdoor adventures and snuggling up on the sofa indoors.

Ashleigh Eilledge
Junior Graphic Designer

I’m Ashleigh, part of the design team here at Pooch & Mutt. I love helping to come up with creative ideas and feel very lucky that I’m able to spend my days combining two of my passions, design and dogs! Outside of work, I spend a lot of my time training and adventuring with my Vizslador, Bailey. You can guarantee that I’ve always got my camera in my rucksack ready to photograph and edit picturesque moments from our walks!

Phillip Pratt
SEO Lead

Hey, I’m Phill and I am the SEO lead here at Pooch and Mutt. It’s my job to ensure that both new and existing customers can easily find our amazing products when using search engines like Google. By my side is Chuck, a larger than life cotonpoo who also loves long walks that end in a country pub meaning we both win.

Laura Maguire
Senior Ecommerce Executive

Hello! I'm Laura, my gig here involves keeping our virtual shelves stocked and making sure you find everything you're looking for without breaking a sweat. I'm a content curator making sure our site is not just functional but a joy to explore. Between Rhiannon and I we make sure your online adventure is smoother than butter. When I'm not weaving web wonders, I'm at home hanging with my two feline pals, Poppy and Tigger, and chasing after my little rockstar, Hilda. In my secret identity, I'm a gig-goer, festival enthusiast, and the pub's number one fan. Cheers to making your online world a little brighter!

Anastasia Dominy
Senior Paid Social Executive

Hey, I’m Anastasia, the Senior Paid Social Executive at Pooch & Mutt. I help look after Meta, TikTok & YouTube ads. I love being able to be creative, but also get hands on with data and analytics! I have a rescue dog called Cali who looks like a mix between a Collie and a Corgi, and a very spoilt cat called Meeko.

Nadia Franklin
Customer Service Advisor

Hey! I’m Nadia, a Customer Service Advisor here at Pooch & Mutt. I love helping to ensure you and your fur babies are happy and healthy and I am here to help resolve your queries and give any product advice you may need. I’m a dog mom to Obie, he’s a Chow Chow and my very own bear cub. We love walkies and adventures, whether that’s visiting dog friendly restaurants, getting content for his social media, going to the beach or meeting new dog friends.

Charlotte Niblett
SEO Copywriter

Hey, I'm Charlotte, Pooch & Mutt's SEO Copywriter! I bring together the world of SEO and copy so you can read all about your pup's health and wellbeing, and easily find everything Pooch & Mutt amongst Google's search engine results. I'm creative to the bone, whether I'm attempting crafts on a chill Sunday afternoon, scribbling down some poetry, or writing up music reviews for local, independent artists. When I haven't got my head in a notebook, I'm being made dizzy as my beautiful, ball-obsessed Jackapoo Eddie, runs circles around me. But with that face, he gets away with it every time!

Monique Wragg
German Growth Marketing Manager

Hey, I'm Monique. I'm the Growth Marketing Manager for Germany. My goal? To ignite growth and drive the business forward across Germany. It's an exciting time to be part of this journey. And meet Pepper, my fluffy assistant. While her primary duty consists of strolling across the laptop & leaving mysterious messages, her duties also include interrupting meetings and throwing pens and objects off the desk to show who's really in charge! Together, we're ready to tackle any challenge.

Thomas Voyle
Head Of Data Analytics

Hey, I'm Tom, Head of data analytics at Pooch and Mutt. I look after all things data related from understanding onsite customer behaviour to measuring and reporting on market trends. I work closely with all teams across the business to ensure everyone has the insights required to make the best decisions possible. Off the clock, I enjoy the great outdoors and long walks - although my son Teddy, often seen riding on my shoulders, might disagree!.

Adam Hollick
Affiliates Manager

Hey, I’m Adam the Affiliates Manager at Pooch & Mutt. I look after all things affiliates such as booking in exposure, keeping strong relationships, analysing performance along with much more. I’ve been within the affiliates industry for over 6 years always trying to improve my craft and do what I can for the team around me. Offline you can catch me finding items to fill up my scrapbook, planning my next theme park trip or just getting together with the mates. Though I don’t own a dog, others in my family do such as Harley and Gizmo.

Kieron Mills
Amazon Account Manager

Hey, I'm Kieron! I'm an Amazon Account Manager helping make sure that we have a wide array of Pooch & Mutt products available over the channel in Germany - verifying all the content is in the right place and making it look it's absolute best on amazon!

Beth Shaughnessy
Midweight Graphic Designer

Hello! I’m Beth, the Midweight Graphic Designer here at Pooch and Mutt. I work on designs across the brand, which can be anything from our videos to our paid social ads. I feel very lucky that I get to be so creative every day! Outside of work, I love being active in any way I can be. Whether it’s a spin class or tag rugby, I will give any sport a go.

Fi Williams
Junior Graphic Designer

Hi! I’m Fi, a member of the design team for Pooch & Mutt. I love being creative and getting to look at pictures of dogs all day is a dream job come true! My working days are made even better by my two cats - Bobo and Stanley, who keep me entertained!

Louis Mardlin
UX/UI Designer

Hi, I'm Louis, the UX/UI Designer at Pooch & Mutt. I create intuitive, user-friendly digital experiences, ensuring our customers have a seamless shopping journey. I have a passion for eCommerce and constantly strive to innovate our online presence. Outside of work, I enjoy playing guitar, attending gigs, traveling, riding motorbikes, and spending time with my dog, Pablo.

Lena Lerchenmüller
German Copywriter & Translator

Hi! I'm Lena, the German Copywriter & Translator at Pooch & Mutt. I'm in charge of localising all of our copy into my native language German. From exciting product launches to new blog posts and everything in between – I love using my creativity to share the Pooch & Mutt spirit with fellow pet lovers. Always by my side and part of this exciting journey is my 7-year-old tuxedo cat Konrad, who loves being the center of attention (especially, during important meetings), but I wouldn't trade him for the world.

Giannis Kourounis
Senior Amazon Media Manager

Hi! I'm Giannis, I'm the Senior Amazon Media Manager, I look after Pooch & Mutt paid advertising on Amazon, helping show our best products to what customers are looking for.

Kao Kieatisarl
Operations Planner

Hi! I'm Kao, I am the operations planner at Pooch & Mutt which involves processing orders for B2B and productions orders. Liaising with the warehouse and communicating with customers in terms of logistics and shortages on the orders.

Our Awards

Good Mood Food

Grain Free

Many dogs struggle to digest grains, so you won't find any in our foods

Natural Ingredients

We use the power of positive nutrition to get 'the good stuff' into your pooches diet

Added Supplements

Our foods are boosted with natural supplements to provide optimal health benefits

All Pooches & Mutts

From puppies to anxious pooches, we've created a range of products to suit all breeds, sizes & needs

Shop Now

Part of the Vafo family

In 2020 Pooch & Mutt joined the Vafo family, our long standing healthy pet food manufacturer who took a minority stake in the business. Vafo are still an independently owned family company, unlike other UK challenger brands like Lily's Kitchen and Tails, who have sold out to big confectionary company Nestle.

As well as supporting us with innovative product development to ensure that we are always providing you with the best nutrition for your pets, they're also helping us to take our amazing health led products to pooches across Europe.

Vafo are founding members of the Pet Sustainability Coalition and have pledged to ensure that all our products are in recyclable packaging by 2025, meaning you can feel good knowing you're feeding your pooch a healthy diet that they love, from a brand that looks after the environment too.


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