No - black pudding isn’t a recommended food for dogs. With the potential for garlic, onion, lots of seasonings and a high level of fat, black pudding is simply too risky even as a treat
The truth is, black pudding is an indulgence for us humans, so it could wreak havoc with a dog’s sensitive digestive system and possibly make them ill. Read on for the full lowdown on why black pudding isn’t good for dogs
No - it isn’t really considered a safe treat for dogs as it has high levels of fat and sodium, not to mention any extra ingredients that are often included in the process of making. If a pooch eats a small piece when you’re not looking, it could have no effect on them - but just make sure they don’t eat it again.
Black pudding is considered a treat for humans, an indulgence we usually reserve for the full ‘fry up’ breakfast plate. Dogs have sensitive tummies in comparison, so aren’t able to digest such a rich food.
If your dog snaffles a small piece of black pudding from your plate, it should hopefully not cause them much harm. They may suffer from a tummy upset, potentially diarrhoea or toilet trouble later. Keep an eye on them for any more severe reactions - if they seem very sick, or out of sorts, get in touch with a vet.
Black pudding isn’t safe for dogs to eat. Don’t let them have any black pudding, even for a treat, as it offers no nutritional benefit to your dog and could make them very ill. If they’ve sneaked a piece though, they’ll probably be okay - just keep an eye on them.
As said above, if your pooch somehow gets their snout into black pudding and exhibits signs of sickness or an unusual change in behaviour, call your vet right away. If they’ve eaten a large amount of black pudding, it could be worth getting to your vet for advice, even if they haven’t yet shown signs of sickness.
To stop your dog eating black pudding, don’t ever let them try it. If they’ve never tried it, they won’t associate the sight and smell of it with anything tasty. If you’re eating a meal with black pudding, keep it well out of sight and reach of your pooch, and store it safely when it isn’t being cooked or served.
Here are a few examples of the different kinds of black pudding your dog might be interested in munching:
Nope - raw black pudding isn’t healthier than cooked black pudding. In fact, it’s even more of a risk. Black pudding’s made of animal products which, when raw, are at a higher risk of carrying bacteria. Don’t feed your dog black pudding either cooked or raw.
No - black pudding isn’t healthy for dogs due to its high level of salt, fat, and risky added ingredients such as onion. Keep cooked black pudding to your human plates, and keep out of reach of curious paws.
White pudding is made with grains, so isn’t deemed totally safe for dogs who have sensitive stomachs, as it’ll be hard for them to digest. Although it doesn’t contain blood, white pudding is similar to black pudding in that it’s high fat and high sodium. It’s best to avoid and stick to healthy dog treats.
If you didn’t know about black pudding and are wondering what else might be toxic to dogs, the following foods should always be kept away from the dog’s bowl:
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