Most dog owners are familiar with this furry phenomenon. You’re minding your own business when your dog scoots on by, butt on the floor and hind legs dragging them forward. This can be a comical event the first time it is witnessed but it does need to be taken seriously.
This behaviour is rarely an indication of anything serious. However, it does indicate your dog is in discomfort. Read on to discover more about bum scooting and your pooch.
For some reason, many owners believe bum scooting is always caused by worms. In fact, this is just one of the many causes. Let’s take a look at all of the conditions which should be considered:
The first thing to do is to examine the skin around the bum. Check for any swelling, redness or evidence of parasites. If your dog has long fur, it is sensible to clip it short. It helps to do this during a bath, when the fur is wet and easier to trim. This will help you visualise the area and also removes any faecal clumping or mats.
Be sure your pooch is up to date with a good quality wormer. Most dogs need to be de-wormed every 3 months, though this is done more regularly in puppies.
If you suspect an anal gland, digestive or skin issue, a vet visit is sensible. The vet can empty the glands and provide medicine if they are infected. They can also perform a rectal exam to rule out any growths or other abnormalities. Skin irritation may require treatment such as a medicated wash and oral anti-inflammatories.
Oftentimes, bum scooting occurs after diarrhoea. This is because loose stool leads to impacted anal glands. It is also because diarrhoea can irritate the sensitive skin around the anus. Feeding a highly digestible, sensitive stomach diet such as Pooch & Mutt's Health & Digestion is a good option for many. This premium food is made with salmon, sweet potato and parsley which can be easier for dog’s to digest than more traditional ingredients. This food is fortified with psyllium which can naturally firm up stools and prevent diarrhoea.
Some dogs need to have their anal glands checked and emptied regularly. How often this is done will depend on the individual. It may be every 6 weeks, it may be every 6 months. If your dog is susceptible to blocked glands, bring them in at the first scoot.
Offering a dietary supplement such as Bionic Biotic is another good call. As well as promoting healthy stools, this powder helps with overall digestion. Packed with a range of ‘super’ ingredients including prebiotics and fish oils, this is one easy way to support your dog’s gut health. Sprinkle it on their main meal each day, whether they eat wet or dry food.
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